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JIS P8223-2006 纸浆.实验室纸张.测定物理特性

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-30 15:29:40  浏览:8653   来源:标准资料网
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MIL-STD-273B, MILITARY STANDARD, GAGE, PLUG, THREAD SETTING, CLASS W, FOR GO GAGES UNIFIED STANDARD CLASSES 2A AND 3A AND AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD CLASS 3 EXTERNAL THREADS (15 MAR 1963)., This standard covers pertinent design data and Mil-Std Part Numbers for American Gage Design Standard truncated thread setting plug gages for go gages for Unified Standard classes 2A and 3A and American National Standard class 3 external threads.
